There are instances when we feel a little weird. Sometimes, we think it is just feelings we get from the overwhelming stress we experience daily. Usually, this unwanted feeling tends to go away as we continue to live and function like we always do. There is a sense that no matter how hard we deal emotionally and mentally, we can still get through whatever the struggle there is.
However, things are slightly different for those who can’t find the courage to get better to cope. Sometimes, our thoughts and emotions become all we have. That explains why we sometimes tend to feel a persistent and extreme emotional and mental health burden. From there, everything we unexpectedly experience becomes debilitating.
Debilitating Anxiety – Impacts of Mental Health Problems
When dealing with a mental health problem, some of us experience a sudden change in habit. When you think about it, there are instances that you (when struggling with mental health) or others become a different person in just a split second. Their mood and reactions towards something can change instantly and sometimes it does not even correlate to the required response that the situation needs.
In other circumstances, we lose focus when mentally and emotionally unstable. We even neglect the things we once love and find the hobbies we like boring and unenjoyable to do. We no longer seek happiness and allow ourselves to get stuck in a situation (though it is not always harmful) we never entirely and genuinely like.
We might say, “As long as our mental and emotional state is not affecting other aspects of our lives, we are still good.” Honestly, that is the problem because eventually, despite seemingly trying to portray being unbothered with the psychological condition, things will soon fall apart. Our school and work performance will diminish. We will neglect self-care and self-awareness, lose interest in things, tire of trying, and shut people out of our lives. Isn’t that scary enough? Many genetic and environmental factors could contribute to someone’s negative thoughts and stressful daily life events, leading to stress and anxiety.
What if we won’t be able to make it on our own in this life? What if all the efforts we put into improving ourselves are insufficient? What if all the loved ones we want to be there along with this journey won’t contribute something to our recovery? What if the treatment options and relaxation techniques are not making any changes? What if we get stuck mentally and emotionally drained? What if generalized anxiety disorder and depression lead to self-harm and lots of thoughts of suicide? What if the coping strategies we are trying are not working? What if?
You see, there is no answer to these questions because they all rely on our ability to take control of our thoughts and life. It all comes down to the best of what we can do to make ourselves believe in the healing process of our mental and emotional state. It’s all about our self-resilience, self-esteem, and self-motivation.
Would you agree with that? And if not, what are the best options or anxiety treatment strategies? Is it worth it that we only do what we think is what other people would do to get better? If the answer is yes, then perhaps mental illness shouldn’t be a problem since most people are knowledgeable enough to address specific mental or a psychological disorder. And if the answer is no, are therapy cbt, counseling (talk therapy), and medication enough to handle the problem?

However, things are slightly different for those who can’t find the courage to get better. Sometimes, our thoughts and emotions become all we have. That explains why we sometimes feel persistent and extreme emotional and mental burdens. From there, everything we unexpectedly experience becomes crippling.
Our mental and emotional states are things that require a lot of effort. We can’t just say that we are okay when we are not. Yes, we can be in denial about what we are going through, but when our mental health is already in its damaged condition, we can’t help but feel sad and worried about it. But what makes our emotional and mental health problems crippling? What are the things that can stop us from being positive about our lives? How do stress and anxiety contribute to our downfall? Here are some of the frequently asked questions that might hold the answers.
What Does The Mental Health Problem Feel Like?
Debilitating anxiety usually comes from a series of panic attacks where it produces an intense, overwhelming sensation of fear that is unnecessary and way out of control. This extreme and crippling disorder is typically accompanied by shaking, sweating, chest tightness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and fear of dying or going crazy.
Note that some of these anxiety symptoms might not be visible as some of us may have the proper knowledge to treat these kinds of disorders. But of course, we should not take our health for granted. These signs may be common, but the underlying reasons for experiencing them can be much worse.
How Do I Overcome The Mental Health Condition?
This type of disorder can cause a lot of trouble if ignored. So to address the mental health problem, you must set aside the worries. Yes, it is okay to feel worried about something. However, you need to step back and take a few deep breaths to change your perspective toward debilitating anxiety and acute anxiety health symptoms. It will help if you try to get it out of your head and reduce stress.
What Do You Call Extreme Worry?
An extreme level of worry or anxiety is also known as panic attacks or panic disorder. It is an overwhelming, intense, and often uncontrollable feeling of fear and anxiety disorder that often gets accompanied by physical symptoms, including headache, nausea, shakiness, shortness of breath, and stomach pain.
What Happens When You Go To The ER With Debilitating Anxiety?
Directly heading towards an ER for an acute anxiety situation will most likely help with the alarming symptoms that people may be experiencing with the mental health condition. The doctor can perform a few tests to oversee the current mental state so that he can administer advice or medicine to calm you down. But before engaging in any therapies or medication treatment, you must discuss the symptoms with your doctor or a therapist to better understand what you must do and what treatment options are best for you.
What Does A Severe Panic Attack Feel Like?
Though people experience different symptoms of a panic attack or anxiety disorder, the most common that everyone with the mental health issue share includes physical and mental problems such as shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, having a racing heart, restlessness, feeling a loss of control or safety, and having unrealistic fear of something.

How Long Does The Condition Flare-up Last?
Anxiety flare-up, commonly known as panic attacks, often starts suddenly without warning. The mental health symptoms peak after 10 minutes and frequently fade away after 30 minutes. In some unfortunate instances, the effects may last longer than expected. Though anxiety disorders flare generally do not speak in this way, some people can experience an escalated situation where their mild anxiety leads to panic attacks.
Why Do I Have Constant Anxiety?
Experiencing constant anxiety disorders depends from one person to another. However, the usual reason that this disorder occurs is daily stressors. These could be traffic jams, missed appointments, work deadlines, school projects, financial insufficiencies, etc. If not handled well, this mild condition can lead to long-term or chronic stress, eventually worsening symptoms and creating other health problems.
Can An Anxiety Attack Last For Hours?
Unfortunately, yes. An anxiety attack is an intense feeling that often takes a while to go away. If the condition already becomes a disorder, the symptoms can be severe and last from minutes to an hour, even days, weeks, and even years. It generally affects your thinking, relationship with your loved ones, and sleeping patterns, usually leading to insomnia.
How Can I Calm My Physical Anxiety?
Calming your anxiety should start with self-care. That is why you need to stay active and find time to exercise regularly. You must avoid unhealthy foods and prioritize hydrating your mind and body by drinking enough water daily. Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol consumption, as these two can cause dehydration. Prioritize sleep and always make it a habit to rest for at least 8 to 10 hours every night.
How Can I Express The Feelings Of Nervousness, Worry, Or Fear I Have In Certain Situations?
Anxiety increases your breathing and heart rate in just a short period. This is a natural fear response of our body. That is because of its concentrated blood flow to your brain. This physical response signifies that your mind and body are preparing you to face an intense situation. However, If this sensation gets too intense, you might feel nauseous and lightheaded.
Can I Get Rid Of The Nervousness That Bother Me By Not Paying Attention To Them, Or Will They Stay And Get Worse As Time Passes?
Ignoring your anxiety doesn’t help you, as it does not make it go away. Sometimes, when you ignore it, it worsens and becomes chronic, which eventually persists, and symptoms become uncontrollable. To better address the mental health situation, seek mental health professional help.
What Are Some Effective Strategies Or Remedies That Can Help Me Cope With The Physical Symptoms Such As Nausea, Dizziness, Or Headache?
If you feel sick from severe anxiety, you can try eating a small amount of something dry. It could be plain bread or plain crackers. Then, slowly sip water after. You must ensure your body is well cared for to feel too weird. If you are wearing tight outfits, try changing into some clothes that don’t restrict your stomach. Try to calm yourself and take a couple of deep breaths to get rid of the physical symptoms.

Remember that debilitating anxiety is not something you can control easily. Sometimes, you might need others’ help with the proper ways or methods you need to work on. Yes, proper self-care and self-awareness can be beneficial. But for severe anxiety, you need more than just a positive mindset. Thus, if you struggle with this disorder, always seek health advice from a therapist or a doctor who understands your condition. That way, you can learn more about the suitable options to help with your mental illness, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, commitment therapy, and medication.
What Is Considered Debilitating Anxiety?
How Do You Calm Debilitating Anxiety?
Can Anxiety Become Debilitating?
What Is The Highest Level Of Anxiety?
How Long Does Debilitating Anxiety Last?