When students enter high school or university as freshmen, they may get overwhelmed by the number of clubs wanting to recruit them as new members. “For older kids, after-school activities can be very important as protection against more dangerous activities,” says clinical psychologist Dr. Mary Rooney, “particularly if parents are busy at work or with other children.”
From the second they set foot at the school, after all, folks from the football or music groups may come up to tell the benefits of being in their respective organizations. The theater or dance club may also hold a little performance to entice the students to become one of them. Of course, the academic circles participate and look for more brainy fellows.
While having many club options allows people to choose the most suitable one for them, some become indecisive and have a hard time selecting any. Others end up clubless, especially when they realize that it’s possible to survive the first year without it.
Nevertheless, joining a club does not merely give students like you instant friends or study buddies. It can be advantageous for your mental health, which is undeniably vital in an educational yet competitive environment. Some may even agree with me when I say that it is almost like getting counseling from BetterHelp and the likes. The following are the perks you can get from the activity.

1. Boost Your Confidence
The primary benefit of becoming a school club member is that it may increase your self-esteem. According to Barbara Markway, Ph.D., “Self-confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy and fulfilling life.” Since you will be seeing the same people in that group, you have no choice but to introduce yourself and hopefully befriend them. They will encourage you as well to get out of your shell and show your talents. The more you interact with these students, the more you may feel confident about talking to others.

2. Gain A New Experience
There is rarely a rule stating that a student has no right to join two clubs at the same time, considering they do not have similar activities. For example, one focuses on geology, while the other is all about archery. It is advisable to do so, to be honest, primarily when you wish to expand your skillset and be excellent at more than a single activity. As career coach Alina Tubman stated, “It’s a great way to build your professional skills including leadership, teamwork, communication, and prioritization. All these skills are necessary for students applying to jobs and internships.”
You won’t find any clause either that requires every member of the organization to become the best in their field of interest. You may have a background knowledge regarding the matter or merely be curious about what folks do in that club, and they may still accept you.

3. Have An Outlet For Stress
Furthermore, entering a group that likes the same things that you do can effectively make your stressful day better. Something like communicating through the school club social media can be helpful. If you are a choir member, for instance, and you have issues back home that affect your academic performance, you may use music to turn the negative energy into something positive. You can belt out a powerful song, pour your heart into a ballad, or sing upbeat tunes to distract yourself from the problem. Hence, once the session is over, your stress level may no longer be soaring as well.
Final Thoughts
As mentioned above, when you join a club, you do not only have people to share your interests with or a place to go to during break time. It is not merely excellent for your resume either when you are ready to enter the workforce. The truth is that becoming a part of an organization whose beliefs you stand behind can keep you from acquiring depression, anxiety, and other disorders that will surely endanger your mental health.